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Paula Quintana, passion and sensitivity

Descubrimos a Paula Quintana como bailarina. Esta artista, que se define como creadora e intérprete, es mucho más que eso. Paula despertó nuestra admiración y curiosidad, por lo que decidimos conocerla mejor.

With a background in acting and ballet, Paula has an extensive careeer in the fields of contemporary dance, flamenco and theater. Creating is what she likes best and we has been awarded with many prices and recognitions. 

We asked her to a photoshoot to channel our new collection and, to our joy, she accepted. We discovered a sensitive, warm, ambicious, and just like our jewels, strong and delicate at the same time. But above all, she captivated us for her human side, and she generously shared her life journey. We invite you find all about this fascinating woman, whom we hope you get inspired by as much as we did. 

Thanks Paula!

Paula, you are an artist with an extensive education and experience. How did you get into dancing?
For 30 years I have been overwhelmed everytime I walk into a rehearsal room. I always danced and performed since I was a little girl, it was inside of me. This is my way of being in the world, I grew up like that.  

II got very good grades at school, so I could study what I wanted. As a teenager I went through a very difficult time because I knew what I liked but I thought I couldn't make a living out of it. I signed up for Business, but I only lasted two months. I inmediately knew that wasn't for me and I signed up for Dramatic Art. 

"When I decided to get into this, I felt guilty for my family, as I didn't want to let them down. That made me work harder. I don't regret taking this path any single day. Dance saved my life"

¿What is what you like best about your job?
What I like best is the creative part of developing a new project and selling it. I don't like the burocratic part.

In my own experience, combining the artistic and the business part is a challenge. How do you combine both parts?
I always wanted to contribute to the professionalisation of this sector. Over the years, I've been able to surround myself with great time, whom I feel very proud of.  When creating my company, my goal was achieving an economic viability that would allow me to have a professional team with good working conditions.
Mi objetivo al crear mi proyecto ha sido siempre conseguir una viabilidad económica que me permitiese conseguir un buen equipo y ofrecerles unas buenas condiciones laborales.

What would you like to achieve through your work?
I like to develop experimental performance, and find new languages of communication. My goal is also to find a wider public. I like the research to offer it to the public, in order to create a dialogue with them.  

In my productions, I like to combine different disciplines and ages. For example, in my work La Carne, I worked with a lot of teenagers on stage. I like to mix dance, text, theatre, videos, instalations, electronic music... 

You travel around the world with your work. Do you find any difference beween the local public versus the international public?
Not at all, the public is the same everywhere. I am often amazed by the fact that they react, get excited, or surprised by the same things no matter where we are. 

However, I do feel a difference in the Canary Islands. Here, I feel a resistence towards contemporary performances. It's like if people feels that they don't have the tools to understand them, so it's harder to get them to see them. 

What role does fashion play in your work? How is your relation with it?
In my job, I consider fashion as one more layer of the production, that has its own role. To me, it's one more tool of communication. The clothing I use has its own message, and I confer it that importance. With that aim, I work the stylist Amuhaici Luis. Together we design the pieces that I wear on stage, that are created by fashion designer Aurelia Gil.  Amuhaici Luis, y juntas diseñamos el vestuario que me confecciona la diseñadora Aurelia Gil en su taller.

At a personal level, I am a bit rebel, I don't care about trends and seek my own style. I like to feel comfortable and feel what I wear represents me.  

Do you like jewelry?

I love jewelry since I was a little girl. I feel attracted by anything that shines, especially rings.  And I can wear big ones. I also love to collect jewelry in my travels. 

"I find jewelry has a very emotional part. I love creating a personal bond between me and my jewels, which is very special"

What advice would you give to all those young people who are facing their professional future?

"I would tell young people that they need to take the reins of their life. I would advice them not to delegate that decision to others. They must assume it's not easy, but you can't blame others for your decisions. You must assume the good and bad implications. What is crucial is that you do what you like”

I would invite them to listen to themselves and to follow their instict, for the good and the bad. In my case, from the beginning I chose not to focus on the success, but to concentrate in enjoying the journey. And that has helped me. Most of the colleagues that started with me are not any longer in this profession. I chose to enjoy the ride. 

Do you have any dream to fulfill?
A lot. Dreams are motivations. Motivation through enthusiasm. Why not? It's my life philosophy. I live through enthusiasm and passion. 

Find out more about Paula Quintana

Puedes ver nuestra nueva colección aquí 

Photography: Yolanda Prunell
Styling: Amuhaici Luis for A Boutique
Joyas: Hissia
Special thanks to
Teatro Victoria